Saint Petersburg – Part 2

Saint Isaacs Cathedral Saint Petersburg
Saint Isaacs Cathedral Saint Petersburg Observatory
Outlook from Saint Isaac’s Cathedral
Saint Isaacs Cathedral Saint Petersburg View City
Smolny Cathedral Saint Petersburg 01

The blue and white Smolny Cathedral is the heart of Smolny Convent.

The complex is located on the banks of the Neva River and was built for Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter the Great. After she could not take the throne, she wanted to become a nun. However, she did not become one.

In 1741 Elizabeth, member of the House of Romanov, became Empress of Russia. She took over the sceptre from Ivan VI, who was proclaimed emperor at the age of only two months, but was overthrown in a coup not one year later.

Smolny Cathedral Saint Petersburg 02

The church of the convent was designed by the Italian architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. He was also responsible for the design of the Winter Palace, Peterhof Palace near St. Petersburg and Saint Andrew’s Church in Kiev.

Smolny Cathedral Bell
Smolny Cathedral Saint Petersburg 03

In 1923 the churches were closed by the Soviet authorities. 92 years later it was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church and is being used as a church again.

Smolny Cathedral Russia Interior 01
Smolny Cathedral Russia Interior 02
Smolny Cathedral Russia Interior 03
Smolny Cathedral Russia Interior 04
Smolny Cathedral Russia Interior 05
Smolny Cathedral Russia Religion Worship
Walking Russia 01
Walking Russia 02
Bryantsev Youth Theatre
Aleksandr Griboedov Monument
Saint Petersburg Russia Building 04
Church Holy Great Martyr Healer Panteleimon
Saint Michaels Castle Saint Petersburg
Neva River Ships Tourist Tour