The highest flagpole in Germany

Measuring 368 meters high, the television tower in Berlin is the tallest building in Germany. In a global comparison, it barely makes it into the top 50 and is a long way behind the many high-rise buildings in China and the USA. First place, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is more than twice as high.

In some other categories, the 1st place is in Germany. For example, the natural power storage in Gaildorf is the highest wind turbine with 246.5 meters, the measuring tower of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen is the highest measuring mast with its 200 meters and the church tower of the Ulmer Münster is the highest church tower in the world with its 161 meters. And even if it is not impressive with its 42.18 meters, the Possenturm in Sondershausen is the highest half-timbered observation tower and, with its year of construction 1781, also the oldest in Europe.

Now I asked myself the question, where is the highest flagpole in the world. Now one must know that the international fight for the title of the highest flagpole is dominated by a very specific group of countries.

Highest flagpole in the world

The highest flagpole in the world is located in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia with a height of 171 meters. The flagpole is still quite young, it was only built in 2014, as most of the top 10 rankings were only built in the last 20 years. These include the flagpoles in Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Baku (Azerbaijan), Kiljongdong (North Korea), Ashgabat (Turkmenistan), Aqaba and Amman (Jordan), Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), Wagah (Pakistan) and Sheboygan (United States). Not only the frequent “stan” is striking in this accumulation of countries.


The fact that Germany does not dominate the list or has a driving force behind it is certainly not due to the difficulty of justifying the construction of a mast. Whereby the construction and operation cannot be uncomplicated.

Highest flagpole in Europe

In the Finnish town of Hamina, they wanted to erect the highest flagpole in Finland and at the same time in Europe in 2018. The mast should be part of a “Flag Word” tourist attraction. The mast was built by a Russian company, but they used calculations common in the United States, which did not meet Finnish safety standards. Thus, although the mast was available, the flag could not be hoisted. The cost was estimated at 800,000 Euros.

Highest flagpole in Germany

So where is the highest flagpole in Germany? One guess is the flag of unity on the Platz der Republik in Berlin in front of the western entrance of the Reichstag building. The flag measures six by six meters and is considered the largest federal flag in the country. The mast itself has a height of 28.5 meters and is made of 6.7 tons of shipbuilding steel. The bronze inscription “DEUTSCHE EINHEIT 3. OKTOBER 1990” is engraved on the base.

If it really is the biggest flag of the country, it would be obvious that it is attached to the highest mast. But I am not 100 percent sure. If somebody knows exactly what it is, he is welcome to contact me.