Highly detailed propaganda poster for traveling to Dubai, 1970s, Studio Ghibli photo realistic style

A journey to Dubai, a land of sand and gold
A place where ancient wisdom and modernity unfold
As a Chinese philosopher, I set out to see
What secrets and mysteries this city might be

The desert winds whispered, as I boarded my plane
A sense of adventure, a feeling of gain
For in Dubai, a new world awaits
A place where tradition and innovation collates

The first sight of the city, a sight to behold
A skyline so grand, a story to be told
Tall towers and gleaming lights, a symbol of progress and might
Yet, amidst all this, the past still shines bright

I walked through the streets, soaking in the sights and sounds
A blend of cultures, a fusion that astounds
From the spice markets to the towering malls
Dubai has it all, a city that enthralls

As I journeyed on, I felt a sense of peace
A feeling of harmony, where conflicts cease
For in Dubai, cultures come together
A place where differences are embraced, and harmony forever

In the warmth of the desert sun, I found a new perspective
A place where ancient wisdom and modernity intersect
For Dubai, a city so bold and brave
Is a place where the past and future coexist, a journey to crave

And so, as I returned to my homeland
I carried with me the memories of this wonderland
For in Dubai, I found a new understanding
A place where the human spirit can soar, and hope everlasting.