Highly detailed propaganda poster for traveling to Dubai, 1960s, Studio Ghibli photo realistic style

The desert sands of Dubai, a sight to see,
At night, a beauty that’s pure and free,
The city lights, like stars in the sky,
A wonder to behold, as time goes by.

As I wander through this urban land,
I feel the pulse of life, so grand,
The people here, so diverse and strong,
Their energy like a constant throng.

From the high-rise buildings, to the souks below,
Dubai’s culture, its vibrancy, does it show,
From ancient traditions, to modern ways,
A melting pot of cultures, a symphony in grace.

The sound of the call to prayer fills the air,
A moment of stillness, a moment of prayer,
As I close my eyes and feel the night,
I know that Dubai, will always be a sight.

For in this city of sand and light,
The spirit of adventure, always in sight,
And as I leave this desert land,
I carry its beauty, in my heart and hand.