Highly detailed movie poster for traveling to Siberia, 1980s, Studio Ghibli photo realistic style, Photorealism

In the far northern lands of snow and ice,
Where the winds whip and the temperatures slice,
Lies a land of beauty and ancient lore,
Siberia, a place like no other before.

The vastness of the taiga, a sea of green,
Stretches out as far as the eye has ever seen,
A verdant landscape, rich with life and sound,
In Siberia, where the wilds know no bounds.

The people of the north, strong and true,
With spirits as fierce as the winds that blew,
In harmony with the land, they lived and thrived,
Through the trials of life, they persevered and survived.

In this land of extremes, where the cold bites deep,
And the snowdrifts rise like mountains to keep,
The stars above shine bright and true,
In Siberia, where nature reveals her virtue.

Oh Siberia, land of the north,
A place of ancient wisdom and a life of worth,
A testament to the resilience of man,
And the beauty of nature that we must understand.