Highly detailed movie poster for traveling to Japan, 1960s, Studio Ghibli photo realistic style

Summer rain in Tokyo,
A symphony of sound,
Raindrops tap-dancing on the pavement,
Nature’s beats abound.

Umbrellas bobbing up and down,
A sea of color in the gray,
Pedestrians dashing for cover,
As rain continues to play.

The air is thick with humidity,
But the rain brings sweet relief,
A break from the scorching sun,
A moment of respite and belief.

The scent of wet earth fills the air,
A fragrance so refreshing and pure,
Summer rain in Tokyo,
A moment of beauty to endure.

So let the rain fall and wash away,
The worries and the pain,
For in this moment, all is washed anew,
In summer rain in Tokyo’s domain.