Mount Takao – Part 3

Bronze statue of a winged figure wielding a sword.
Bronze statue of winged figure holding a fan.
Numerous weathered stone grave markers with Japanese inscriptions, nestled in overgrown vegetation.
Bronze statue of a warrior behind wire mesh.
Close-up of a weathered, teal and gold statue behind wire mesh.
Golden statue of a warrior under a weathered wooden structure surrounded by stone markers.
Three people with backpacks standing at a Japanese shrine offering.
Three people, including a child, cleansing their hands at a stone water basin in a Japanese shrine.
A parent and child stand near a stone monument with a circular opening and Japanese characters at a temple.
Stone shrine with statue and offering bowl.
Stone monument with carved mountain and clouds; Japanese characters inscribed.
Stone torii gate and small Shinto shrine in a forest.
Three people walk away from the camera on a paved path lined with a wall of inscribed tablets and red lanterns.
Close-up of numerous light-colored wooden plaques with black Japanese calligraphy.
Person walking on paved path lined with stone wall and traditional Japanese lanterns in a forest.
Distant view of a city and rolling hills with leafless trees.
Two people walking on a paved path through a wooded area.
Two people walking on a paved road through a forest.