6 Arguments for Couple Photos

“We can do a couples shoot sometime when we get married.” Or even worse is a sentence like “We are not photogenic at all”. I hear these sentences unfortunately too often and they are simply nonsense.

Today I share with you why you don’t need a special occasion for a photo shoot and what you can do with your couple pictures.

Happy couple splashing water at each other in a lake.

Natural couple pictures – memory of the time together

Photos bring back memories. Some show a special event. Some give an impulse and remind of a good time in life. All too often we forget the beautiful moments and are flooded with unimportant information. Photos are a wonderful bridge to come back to these memories. Therefore: Take as many photos of each other as you can! Even if the moment in this moment may be insignificant, in one, in 10 or 50 years, it can have an inestimable value.

Close-up of a couple holding hands.

Couple photo session – Shared time

The nice thing about modern times is that we almost always have a camera with our smartphone with us. The arguments of the clumsy camera and the high costs have been settled. Snapshots in everyday life are no longer a problem. Nevertheless, it makes sense to take your time from time to time and take carefully directed pictures. For example with a couple photo session – So both are also once on a picture together, without it being a Selfie.

The idea of a photo shooting may seem a bit intimidating to some. I can say from experience that there are neither unphotogenic people nor any other reason to shy away from it. The nice thing about a shooting for two is that you always have a partner at your side and the uncertainty disappears quickly.

I always arrange my couple shootings according to the wishes of my couples. Usually we meet in nature and take pictures there. So it feels more like a walk together than a photo shoot.

This is the most important thing for me: The shooting should not feel like a shooting, but should be a nice time together. A break from stress, work and everyday life. Without anything to distract you from each other. Moments in which you can laugh together and get to know each other even better. Look deep into your eyes and show your love for each other. I put you well in scene and ban your love in couple pictures.

Two women embracing and kissing at sunset in a field.

Sweet couple pictures – Individual decoration

I love pictures as decoration. Family and couple pictures on the walls show the inhabitants of a house or apartment and the people who are important to them. Whether in a picture frame, as a photo display on the chest of drawers or as a wall picture above the sofa. There are so many suitable way to present your pictures.

Two hands holding ice cream cones; one pink, one light blue.
Couple holding hands against a bright blue sky.

Photos- The perfect gift

Not only grandmothers and grandfathers are happy about beautiful photos for Christmas or their birthday, but also friends, parents, siblings, relatives and acquaintances you can make a great joy with it.

A personal gift you can’t go wrong with! How about a photo book of the shooting for the parents for Christmas? Or a photo mug or a photo calendar for your dearest friends or siblings? For every occasion in the year you have a gift ready. There are no limits to your creativity – and there is no one who guarantees to give the same gift as you do.

Black and white photo of a young couple standing on a rooftop overlooking a city.

Couple shooting as gift

Not only the finished pictures can be given away, also the photo shooting itself can be given away. Whether to the birthday of the partner, the common anniversary or to the first new generation. You can’t do much wrong with a couple shooting. One gives away not only an individual gift certificate, but also undisturbed time together.